Animals are just similar to humans!! They are in fact multi-cellular In
reality for everyone’s knowledge they were the first one to enter the
world. They have several characteristics that set them apart from other
living things including us. Animals
are lovely creatures. However, sometimes we humans can feel we are more
important. Then there are those of us who are completely "animal
crazy". We can do lots of things to help animals, and this article has
them all. Read the steps, tips and warnings and you should find yourself
as an animal lover in no time.
prefer animals as pet and there are many are animal freak. Each of us
could easily recite the myriad reasons that our animal companions hold
such a special place in our hearts. A common argument levied against
animal activists suggests that we prefer animals to people. There are
many rhetorical questions that arise when we think of animals or humans.
Like "If you could only save a baby or a dog from a burning building,
who would you choose?" come to mind. These types of questions serve to
obscure the real issue: that our societal treatment of animals is in
dire need of improvement. Fortunately, having to choose between "the
baby or the puppy”, this is something which is impossible for humans to
decide especially those who are animal lovers. But a normal human will
definitely choose baby.
one should show their animal that we love it by doing more stuff with
it like going to a pet park or just petting and playing with us. We
should show them how much we love them. Honestly I am a massive animal
lover, when I was a kid I had a pet dog that was of my age only. They
are more honest to us than the humans as they don’t know how to lie just
as humans does. I named my puppy Pearl as it was a girl who loved
chasing, sniffing and forcing to snuggle with me. She enjoyed routinely
scratching my face when she wasn't purring and being a love bug.
adoration for animals sometimes manifests itself in weird ways, like
how I can't drive past road kill without wanting to shriek and throw
myself from the vehicle. Oh, and I have to physically look away during
those awful commercials -- you know the ones. (I doubt I'm alone there;
those ads are traumatic!)Anyway, here are few reasons why animals are
better than people. Let me know if you agree with my assessments.
1. Firstly they are honest As
everyone knows that honesty is the best policy which I was told and in
fact to every child but we are born to break the rules but is something
different in case of animals. They have no ulterior motives. They don't
plot to steal your boyfriend, or make insipid comments about your roots
starting to go grey, or answer important questions with frustrated
sighs. They're all heart and gut. They do what they feel, and they can
tell if you're sad. When they love you, it's clear.
2. They are covered with fur This
is one difference that made humans to love them uncontrollably. They
are like living, breathing stuffed animals. My strongest passion is for
dogs and cats as they are the one who are mostly covered with fur which
makes them cute and more adoring.
3. They can’t talk This
means they can't yell at you, or fight with you, or belittle you, or
try to make you jealous, or insult your intelligence, or catcall at you,
or ask you for things you aren't prepared to give, or tell you how to
live your life. This also means they can't propose marriage or thank you
for dinner, or give you life advice, or ask you to change their cat
litter or the can show their feelings to someone. They effectively
communicate with their barks, glances and odd body languages that only
animals can understand.
4. They make us feel important They
make us feel special which humans are supposed to do but they fail to
do it sometimes just because of their egoistic nature may be I did
sometimes. Humans like to be needed. I'd even go so far as to say that
we required to be needed. It makes us feel valuable, like our existence
matters, like it would be a concrete loss -- to someone, or something --
if we died. Our animals need us. They rely on us for every basic need
like food, and shelter, and bathroom supplies and luxuries like toys and
treats. There
is no comparison one should make in humans and animals. These are the
few basic differences but in short they are true and honest.
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